Assessor Sally Frain
Should you have questions or concerns dealing with your assessment, doing a split, combination or demolitions — feel free to contact me at the township hall.
Also, be sure and dig up your assessment notice (you received in February) and be sure that you are receiving the PRE (principle residence exemption) should you qualify. If you don’t see 100% next to the PRE and you feel you deserve it, please contact me to get the form to have the PRE applied.
Also by Appointment; please call 874-6966 to set up an appointment or for more information.
Watch your mail the first week of February for your annual assessment notices. Once you receive this notice you have a short turnaround time to make a decision whether you would like to speak to the Assessor about the notice. If you have any questions about the notice, please call to set up an appointment to see the assessor.
If you are not satisfied after talking to the assessor, your next step would be to make an appointment to see the Board of Review. You can also go directly to the Board of Review without speaking to the assessor first. You must appear at the March Board of Review in order to qualify to further appeal your assessment at the Tax Tribunal.